

Respondents were asked to rate 16 possible reasons for school shootings on a 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) scale. 他们的回答如下:
排名 原因 %同意
1 他们想报复那些伤害过他们的人. 87
2 其他孩子欺负他们,取笑他们,或者欺负他们. 86
3 他们不珍惜生命. 62
4 他们在家里一直是身体虐待的受害者. 61
5 他们有精神问题. 56
6 他们很容易弄到枪. 56
7 他们与父母相处不好. 55
8 他们目睹了家里的身体虐待. 54
9 他们喝酒或吸毒. 52
10 他们没有任何好朋友. 49
11 They see 电视暴力, 在电影中, in videos, and in computer and video games. 37
12 暴力是他们社区的一种生活方式. 34
13 其他孩子鼓励他们这样做. 28
14 他们的老师不关心他们. 26
15 他们担心自己的安全. 20
16 他们很无聊. 18

适用于所有学生群体, getting back at those who hurt them; having other kids pick on them, make fun or them or bully them; not valuing life; and being a victim of abuse were consistently among the top five reasons, 不管用什么变量来分析数据. Consistently ranked at the bottom among the reasons were being bored; being afraid for their own safety; and being encouraged by others to shoot.

如果我们看看学生们对16个原因的回答方式, 我们得到了类似的图像. 排名前四的原因是:

  1. 其他孩子欺负他们,取笑他们或欺负他们.
  2. 他们想报复那些伤害过他们的人.
  3. 他们不珍惜生命.
  4. 他们在家里一直是身体虐待的受害者.

基于性别的排名有一些变化. The top five reasons endorsed by boys were: getting back at those who hurt them; other kids pick on them, make fun of them or bully them; they don't value life; they have mental problems; and they have been a victim of physical abuse at home. 女孩, 最主要的原因是:其他孩子欺负他们, make fun of them or bully them; they want to get back at those who have hurt them; they have been a victim of physical abuse at home; they don't value life; and they have witnessed physical abuse at home.

比其他变量都多, 然而, media usage and race were correlated with how students perceived the causes of lethal violence.

Differences in how high, medium, and low media users perceive reasons for school shootings

排名 原因 %的高 %的媒介 %低
1 他们想报复那些伤害过他们的人. 86 86 89
2 其他孩子欺负他们,取笑他们,或者欺负他们. 85 85 89
3 他们不珍惜生命. 63 60 64
4 他们在家里一直是身体虐待的受害者. 56 65 62
5 他们有精神问题. 57 54 56
6 他们很容易弄到枪. 54 54 61
7 他们与父母相处不好. 50 56 60
8 他们目睹了家里的身体虐待. 50 57 57
9 他们喝酒或吸毒. 47 52 57
10 他们没有任何好朋友. 48 46 56
11 They see 电视暴力, 在电影中, in videos, and in computer and video games. 28 38 46
12 暴力是他们社区的一种生活方式. 31 33 40
13 其他孩子鼓励他们这样做. 25 29 32
14 他们的老师不关心他们. 27 27 27
15 他们担心自己的安全. 19 19 23
16 他们很无聊. 19 15 19

High media users were less likely than low media users to endorse the lack of friends; ease in getting a gun; not getting along with their parents; other kids' encouragement; violence in their neighborhoods; being victims of physical abuse themselves or witnessing physical abuse; and alcohol and drugs as reasons for violence in the schools. 在每一个上面, 高媒体用户至少占6个百分点, 有时甚至多达10个, 以下是低媒体用户.

Differences in how students perceive reasons for school shootings by race/ethnic background

排名 原因 %的白色 %的非裔美国人 %的西班牙 %的少数民族
1 他们想报复那些伤害过他们的人. 89 74 82 79
2 其他孩子欺负他们,取笑他们,或者欺负他们. 87 75 88 83
3 他们不珍惜生命. 63 61 62 62
4 他们在家里一直是身体虐待的受害者. 61 55 62 60
5 他们有精神问题. 56 57 58 57
6 他们很容易弄到枪. 56 51 56 54
7 他们与父母相处不好. 55 49 56 53
8 他们目睹了家里的身体虐待. 56 44 51 48
9 他们喝酒或吸毒. 54 53 1 56
10 他们没有任何好朋友. 49 43 57 52
11 They see 电视暴力, 在电影中, in videos, and in computer and video games. 37 41 37 38
12 暴力是他们社区的一种生活方式. 35 33 27 29
13 其他孩子鼓励他们这样做. 29 35 21 26
14 他们的老师不关心他们. 26 21 27 25
15 他们担心自己的安全. 20 34 11 20
16 他们很无聊. 18 18 18 18
  • African-Americans were less likely to say that getting back at others was a reason for violence.
  • African-Americans also did not perceive bullying to be as great a problem as whites did.
  • African-Americans were far less likely to say that the lack of good friends was a cause than were Hispanics.
  • African-Americans were less likely to say that the lack of friends could be blamed for school violence, 但更有可能同意其他孩子的鼓励是一个因素.
  • Hispanics were less likely to blame violence in their neighborhoods as a reason for violence, and were far less likely than African-Americans to say that fear for their own safety prompts school shootings.

只是程度稍微小一点, alienation correlated with what students perceive as the causes of school violence.

Differences in how students perceive reasons for school shootings according to degree of alienation

排名 原因 %的高 %的媒介 %低
1 他们想报复那些伤害过他们的人. 91 89 81
2 其他孩子欺负他们,取笑他们,或者欺负他们. 56 87 86
3 他们不珍惜生命. 60 65 61
4 他们在家里一直是身体虐待的受害者. 56 62 65
5 他们有精神问题. 56 58 55
6 他们很容易弄到枪. 54 60 55
7 他们与父母相处不好. 51 54 58
8 他们目睹了家里的身体虐待. 50 58 55
9 他们喝酒或吸毒. 50 53 52
10 他们没有任何好朋友. 49 53 58
11 They see 电视暴力, 在电影中, in videos, and in computer and video games. 31 37 42
12 暴力是他们社区的一种生活方式. 31 38 34
13 其他孩子鼓励他们这样做. 28 27 29
14 他们的老师不关心他们. 30 26 24
15 他们担心自己的安全. 22 21 18
16 他们很无聊. 18 19 18
  • Highly alienated students were just as likely as those with low alienation indices to blame other kids' picking on them, 取笑他们或欺负他们作为校园暴力的原因, but they were far more likely to say that getting back at someone who hurt them was a cause.
  • 91 percent of those with high alienation indices said getting back at others was a reason, 而疏离指数低的家庭中有81%是这样.
  • Highly alienated students were also less likely to say that being a victim of physical abuse; witnessing physical abuse in the home; or not getting along with parents were causes.

整体, 电视暴力, 在电影中, in videos and in computer and video games ranked 11th as a cause of lethal violence. 然而,有两个值得注意的例外.

  • 在16个原因中,年轻学生的回答排在第八位.
  • 那些成绩大多是D和F的学生排在第九位.

除了种族之外的所有变量, 然而, there were wide differences in students' ideas about media violence as a reason for school shootings. 一些变化是:

  • 41%的女孩认为这是一个原因,而男孩的这一比例为33%.
  • Students whose grades were mostly D's and F 's were far more likely to see it as a problem than those who received mostly B's and C 's (49 percent cf. 34%).
  • Respondents with a low quality of life index perceived it as less of a problem than those with a high quality of life index (32 percent cf. 43%).
  • 46 percent of low media users endorsed violence in the media as a cause for school shootings, 相比之下,只有28%的人是高媒体用户.
  • Highly alienated respondents were considerably less likely to see it as a problem than those with low alienation indices (31 percent cf. 42%).
  • Those from neighborhoods with no crime were more likely to say violence in the media is a problem than those who come from neighborhoods were there is a lot of or some crime.
  • 40 percent of the respondents who said they don't feel safe in school blamed violence in the media, compared to 37 percent of those who said their schools are extremely safe or very safe, 34%的人说他们的学校是安全的.
  • 40 percent of rural residents and 39 percent of urban students agreed it is a problem, 相比之下,34%的郊区居民这样认为.
  • Those who live in the Midwest and South were more likely to view media violence as a cause than those who live in the East or West.
  • Respondents whose mothers had a high school education or less were more likely to blame violence in the media than those whose mothers have a college degree.