Alfred University News

Lambda Advanced Materials将成为糖山工业园区的最新业务

一家新陶瓷材料公司的所有者今天签署了购买阿尔弗雷德镇糖山工业园区一块土地和建筑的文件. Lambda Advanced Materials LLC将成为二十年来第一家在Sugar Hill开展业务的公司.

The company will develop new processes, using a range of technologies, 生产各种先进的陶瓷材料,这些材料将供应给多元化的技术市场. 预计,利用Lambda开发的工艺生产的产品,将有助于先进陶瓷材料的国内生产,从而缓解全球供应链的压力. The company hopes to ultimately have as many as 30 employees.

Lambda Advanced Materials由皇冠体育app76届校友Jeffrey Brundage (B.S., ceramic engineering) and Joseph Sorrentino ’83 (B.S., management). Brundage, business development manager at ceramics manufacturer Critical Services LLC, and Sorrentino, an attorney and real estate developer, Lambda Chi Alpha兄弟会的成员是皇冠体育app的本科生吗. Several other Lambda Chi alumni are involved with the project.

布伦戴奇说:“我们正在寻求开发下一代材料加工技术. The company, he explained, 旨在开发新的高温材料加工技术,更节能,更便宜, and thus more competitive in the global market. 他说:“我们将开发新的工艺,引进美国没有生产的陶瓷材料, back to this country.”

“It will really be a game changer in the field of ceramics,” said Sorrentino. “And it will all happen here in Alfred.”

Lambda will operate from a 7,这座200平方英尺的建筑坐落在糖山工业园30英亩的土地上, which it purchased from businessman Jason Rodd, a 1995 Alfred University graduate, and his wife, Christel. Jason Rodd在霍内尔经营一家工厂,为拉线行业生产陶瓷和金属部件. 该建筑目前是一个外壳,将进行翻新,包括研究设施, offices, and manufacturing space. John Simmins, director of Alfred University’s Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology (CACT), said Amanda Jadwin, project manager for the CACT, 将带领一组学生为Lambda提供建议,制定符合六西格玛质量控制规范的建筑布局.

“Ms. Jadwin和她的精益制造学生在该地区的其他行业有过几次成功的合作. 它们通过简化工厂布局和流程来帮助降低制造成本.” Simmins said.

While renovation work is done, Lambda的部分业务将由附近的孵化器IncubatorWorks运营. According to Sorrentino, Lambda完成Sugar Hill现场工作的目标日期是2024年夏天. In the interim, Lambda将在Alfred的IncubatorWorks设施外运营,并从Hornell的road租用场地.

Lambda之所以选择这个位置,很大程度上是因为它靠近皇冠体育app的稻盛氏工程学院和CREATE(陶瓷研究), Education And Technology Enterprise) Center, which is located in the McMahon Engineering Building. Simmins表示,CREATE中心拥有可以进行陶瓷材料加工和增材制造(3d打印)研究的设施和设备。.

The CACT, which hosted Friday’s signing ceremony, played a role in bringing Lambda Advanced Materials to Alfred. CACT将糖山的可用物业介绍给Lambda领导层,并帮助其购买. Simmins说Lambda将为皇冠体育app的工程系学生提供研究和就业机会, both as interns and employees.


“我们希望为陶瓷工程专业的学生创造机会,让他们进来使用我们的设备, gain hands-on experience, and develop skills,” he said, 他指出,这些机会可能会让学生毕业后在Lambda找到工作.

Gabrielle Gaustad ’04, dean of Alfred University’s Inamori School of Engineering, 他说,让拉姆达进入阿尔弗雷德将为学生提供独特的学习机会,这是皇冠体育app教育经历的典型代表.

“Hands-on, real-world skillsets are a hallmark of our engineering education here, so it is especially exciting to me to have this new facility near us,” Gaustad commented. “这使我们的学生能够轻松地亲自参观和看到尖端技术,并为实习和合作创造了惊人的机会.  And no matter the location, 看到我们的校友建立成功的事业和企业总是令人兴奋的.”

Lambda Advanced Materials还将在该物业上开发两个太阳能项目, which will be overseen by Buffalo Solar. 光伏板将安装在Lambda大楼和糖山公司拥有的10英亩太阳能电池板场地上.  Lambda的计划是使该设施尽可能接近净零碳足迹. 该太阳能站点将向皇冠体育app可再生能源工程专业和阿尔弗雷德州立大学可再生能源技术专业的学生开放,以探索可再生能源与电网的整合.

The last company to locate at the Sugar Hill Industrial Park was Belvac, 陶瓷模具的制造商,用于铝罐/容器的生产过程. Simmins表示,预计Lambda Materials在Sugar Hill的选址将成为更多公司在Alfred成立的催化剂.